2019 06 27
とっても遅くなったけど Sound Cloud に 音源を公開中。是非フォローを!
FINALLY Now available! Lina Lina’s songs on Sound Cloud. Follow Now!
2012 11 21
[new track / soundcloud / 新曲公開】
This is new track of me which song at shimoda beach event 2003. “Ku’u Ipo Ika he e Pue One. Live ver.” It’s remaster and live ver.
2012 04 09
[new track / soundcloud / 新曲公開】
This is also new track of me which wrote in Japanese. ”NYANKO NO UTA” it’s a kind of demo too.
2012 03 14
[new track / soundcloud / 新曲公開】
This is also new track of me which i love it. ”見上げてごらん夜の星を” it is not finish yet. so it’s a kind of demo too. recorded at studio in NY, jan 2012. only ukulele & vocals. Hope you guys like it.
2012 03 12
[new track / soundcloud / 新曲公開】
This is also new original track. ”Mama’s song ( japanese ver )’ it is not finish yet. so it’s a kind of demo. but i like it a lot. it has also english ver. that’s a pretty longer time than this ver. Hope you guys like it.
2012 03 10
[new track / soundcloud / 新曲公開】
This is new original track. ”Flor de lis” was recored in LA. guitar by Alex Takeo Hashimoto and song by LinaLina. it will be remastering and will be track of my next album.
昨日公開しました。次のアルバムに収録予定の LinaLinaとAlex Takeo Hashimoto 演奏の ♪Flor de lis (recored in L.A.)。懐かしの。これがルーツ。リマスターしてこのシンプルバージョンを収録できたらいいなーと思っています。これ一発録音だけど実によく録れていて。というわけで出来る限りdemoでも、出来がいまいちのものでも、どんどんアップしていきます。soundcloudってこういう使い方でいいの?わかんないけど、まあいいね。お楽しみ感覚でたまに是非のぞいてくださいね。
2012 03 01
2012 02 29
【new track4 / soundcloud / 新曲公開】
This is new original track too. ”Gakkou Ha Tomodachi” My new sounds:This is New Track. “Gakkou Ha Tomodachi” Live ver. I made a song for a elementary school in Koyo Japan. It ‘s a live ver at playing shcool with students. I played with Pug27(support band).
2012 02 26
【new track3 / soundcloud / 新曲公開】
This is new original track too. ”Aloha Christmas To You” I made this song when I am allowed to do a live Christmas called “Aloha Christams” 2006 in Enjoy cafe , Osaka. I made in order to deliver a HAPPY Christmas song seems to me to everyone. Sound is the only ukulele and song.
ここの曲は以前大阪のEnjoy cafe で 「Aloha Christams 」というクリスマスライブをやらせていただいたときに作ったものです。みんなにHAPPYな私らしいクリスマスソングをお届けするべく作ったものです。サウンドはウクレレと唄だけです。