My latest thing / ここ最近のわたし


2012 06 11





大阪にレコーディングの為行ってきました。くわしくは全部終わってからまたご報告しますが、たくさんの方にご協力していただいております。本当に感謝しかありません。ありがとうございます。DMO ARTSでの PG 豊田サンのエキシビジョンにちょっと行き、友達のたかちゃんのお店COCHI CAFE にも少しお邪魔しました。たかちゃんのお店かわいくて最高でした!


借りていた児童書を返却の為、高校の友達である横浜に住む友人宅に先日行きました。彼女の友達と彼女のお姉ちゃんと昔からしっている人たちだけでワイワイと昔の話をしながら、私が修学旅行で自分で絵付けした湯のみを彼女が出してきました。私が彼女にプレゼントしたもの。ちょうど高校2年の頃、彼女はアメリカに留学していたので修学旅行に行けなかったのでそのかわり?というか、当時の私なりの「彼女も修学旅行に参加した気分にさせてあげたい」というおせっかいココロでしょうか? そんな気持ちで送ったものでした。「使うのもったいなかったから」とハコに入ったままの綺麗な湯のみ。すっかり忘れていたけど記憶がよみがえってきて、彼女の知られざる留学時代のたいへんだった話も聞き、いろんなことがフラッシュバックしてなんだか涙でそうになりました。嗚呼、素晴らしき高校時代! 

♪ 今、はつらつの〜 陽は昇る〜 

Well, Was performing at JIROKICHI which Live house in Koenji on May 26.
Although I was allowed to appear on the event of daytime on that day, with kids are OK. It was a great time with audience.Thanks guy. and I will also performing at JIROKICHI on September 15. in fact, it is the 10th anniversary of a debut in the 25th in September. so I would like to make it a special thing with a meaning
Please come, if you are very well.

I congratulated my parents on his 40th wedding anniversary memorial day with the family.
My mother is living a life on a bed in the past several years. A mother is a very important person for us the families.
The parents’ home is always filled on positive love. Although those who go in and out of a parents’ home including the medical staff for supporting nursing are also a large number, it is filled on everybody love, and there is only energy of the present plus in a parents’ home. father present to mother pink rose. we, our sisters gift a hydrangea.

Was a My Recording in Osaka. And these days when growth of an elder sister’s child is remarkable.
It went to a friend’s house where she lives in Yokohama for return of the borrowed children’s books.
she still have a cup which i did painted and gave to her for a kind of a souvenir when i went to the school trip.
What I gave to her. Exactly, at the time, because she was studying in the United States.I also heard about her hard things of that time. Various things carried out the flashback and became meeting for a tear somehow.

It wished “I would like to carry out a point in fruitful 1 which becomes a line”, and started this year also.
After coming out, the 10th anniversary also approached every moment, and half a year finished exactly this year also.

having such a premonition that something surely starts and that something is likely to move at last.