

2012 03 26


(LeLeLes : From Left Front, Yoshimi, Kozue, Koike. From Left Back, Yuki, Mayuko, Maki, Mizuho. and me, LinaLina )




そして昨日は私のやっているレレレの生徒さん数名がレコーディングに参加されました。数多くあるウクレレスクールの中で私のところに通っている方には私らしいプライオリティを皆さんに提供させていただくべく、このような経験を今後もしていただきたく思っております。レレレ用に起こしたオリジナルの譜面もとてもいい出来で自分も気に入っているからです。みんなには私と同じ想いを共有していただきたいなと思っております。最高に楽しかったです。レコーディングってこんなに楽しいものでしょうか? わーいわーい。みんなありがとう。みんな初体験だったと思うけど今後も楽しく演奏していきましょう。




I am often recording this month.
Although it was not able to do in fact a little early, it records in piles on what was recorded by NY in January, or I am newly recording entire new music.
There is music to arrange with you of pug27 who have had friends made in Osaka, and I have carried out to the rehearsal the other day.
Since it was a day’s trip, although it was slightly difficult, it is made to want to unite several times.
Although it does not understand yet where it releases from what kind of music what kind of album does it become, or enters, even if it hears what was recorded until now, that [ this ] believes that it becomes a very great work.
I would like for it to be simple, and to carry out a fight to completion so that it may become what took out the sound of the ukulele to quite the front, and a charming work in character with [ although it is nostalgic somewhere / it is new somewhere and ] me.

Yesterday, The student of LeLeLe which i superintend , They had participated in recording.
I think the choice to students who the school in my school there are many ukulele in Tokyo and want to continue the valuable experience that could only be done in this I like.
It is because he is also pleased also with the original music side started to LeLeLe by the very good result. I would like everybody to share the same thought as me. Thank you for all.

I have KB and Mr. KENKOU performing several music this time also. Thank you guys always.
Toku-chang (good-looking-man engineer) also took charge in REC the other day.
I always appreciate KB in my career for the past several years.

We recorded in the pastoral sound in Okusawa Tokyo.
A feeling of opening is very an existing great studio.
Thank you for Sonoda-Sun.

I have been hearing today what was recorded by the present.
Although it is a thing of a rough mix, it is very good touch.
It is very good although there is a certain music regarded as becoming especially representation music.
Although it is still long to completion of a work. do my best hard. thank you for all.